
Let's Take It Back to the Start

Friday, October 23, 2015

As long as I can remember, adoption has been the plan.  Even though I could never really imagine being married when I was a teenager or early twenty-something, I always felt strongly about adoption.  This strong feeling was not just an, “Oh that’s so sad…someone should do something about that.  Here is $10,” feeling.  This was more like an ache deep in my soul that caused me to weep nearly every time adoption was brought up.  I was compelled to adopt and I would not be deterred. 

I run into women all the time that want to adopt, but their husbands are not on the same page.  While this saddens me, it helps me to see that before getting serious with any guy, we have to be in agreement.  We cannot be unequally yoked in our love and devotion to Jesus or adoption.  These are the non-negotiables. 

As a teen and beyond, there were not exactly guys lining up to date me.  I had more than my fair share of crushes, but those guys were always so glad that I was their, “Best friend”.  Ugh.  As if.  That was the last thing that I wanted, but I am so glad that I was spared from needless relationships.  Enter Phil.  This smart, handsome, godly man started to pursue me.  Ehh…what the heck?  Once his intentions became clearer, I felt the need to have this extremely uncomfortable, but all too important conversation: Adoption. Imagine, the first guy that has ever liked you as more than just a friend, and before we are really even dating, I ask if he is open to adoption.  Yep, I made things awkward in a hurry.  Thankfully, he said he would be open to having one biological and one adopted child, and thus began our relationship.

To be continued…. 

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